- Pennsylvania
- Ohio
- Wisconsin
- Colorado
- Virginia
- Florida
- North Carolina
More importantly, Romney now leads in Colorado, Virginia, Florida, and North Carolina. With leads in these states, Mitt Romney's easiest path to victory is to take all four of these swing states along with three in which Obama leads: Nevada, New Hampshire, and Iowa. To say that Obama "leads" in these latter three states means that Obama has a better chance to win these states than Mitt Romney. Here's the breakdown as of today:
- Nevada : 16% chance of Romney winning
- New Hampshire : 16% chance of Romney winning
- Iowa : 12% chance of Romney winning
Clearly, for Mitt Romney to win the Presidency, he must overcome all these poor chances at once. To calculate Romney's chance of winning these three states we just multiply these three probabilities together to get an 0.3% chance. Here's the math:
0.16 * 0.16 * 0.12 = 0.003072
As you may recognize, 0.3% is a very slim chance. You might be thinking: "Clearly, that's not Romney's chances for winning this election. After all, he is leading the national polls by about 1.5%."
Indeed, this thinking is correct because there are other ways for Romney to win the Presidency. He could simply win Ohio where he has a 5% chance of victory. If Mitt Romney wins all the swing states in which he has better chances and if he also wins Ohio, then Romney will win the general election. The reason is that Ohio is worth 18 votes in the Electoral College while Nevada, New Hampshire, and Iowa are worth 16 votes in aggregate.
It's obvious that there are many paths to victory for both candidates, so calculating the chance of victory for a candidate requires one to calculate the chances for all paths to his victory.
Using this approach, here are the chances for the candidates if the election were held today:
- Obama: 96.25% chance of winning
- Romney: 3.75% chance of winning
- Obama: 290 votes
- Romney: 248 votes
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